Experienced outdoorsman who worked 10 years in the industry. Being a manufacturers representative for big companies like Browning and Winchester allowed me to meet and talk to many outdoorsmen. While making sales calls, talking to them at trade shows, or hunting with them in a duck blind, I learned a lot from many wise men and women. I still have numerous contacts in the hunting and shooting industry and talk to a few of them regularly. As a manufacturers rep, I have marketed everything from guns, bows, safes, clothing, knives, cases, shooting accessories, flashlights, optics, Hoppes, deer feeders, night vision, bullets and reloading, ammunition, scents and cover scents, boots, the list gets on. I have been trained on all of these lines of goods and have a very good understanding of making the right choice for the end use of the gear you are wanting. I have been to the gore tex factory, shot skeet on the olympic skeet range in Atlanta, saw how Sierra bullets are made, hunted ducks with the Browning Safes product manager in Utah, toured the Winchester factory…I have some stories!

Bottom line, I love the outdoors, hunting, shooting and fishing. I have a lot of experience and am eager to share my passion with my customers through Jackson Marketing and Outfitters LLC.